Visitor Profile
- Contractors
- Building Materials Manufacturers
- Supply Chain Executives/Employees
- Equipment and Machinery Manufacturers
- Field Engineers
- Consultancy Companies
- Academicians and Researchers
- Financial Institutions
- Designers
- Construction Company Executives
- Construction Technology Experts
- Real Estate Developers
- Persons who want to buy a house
- Domestic and foreign investment organizations
- Persons who want to buy/hire a workplace
- Businessmen
- Industry Representatives
- Buyers / Delegations
- Investors
- Individual Buyers
- Real Estate Investment Experts & Consultants
- Real Estate Companies
- Construction and Housing Institutes / Associations
- Relevant Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations
- Construction and Consulting Engineers
- Architects: Individual Architects and Interior Designers
- Engineering Companies
- Local Public Authorities
- Construction Cost Professionals
- Planners / Consultants
- Project Executives
- Diplomats / International Executives
- Real Estate Industry Employees and Executives
- Construction / Urban Planning Experts